понеділок, 3 грудня 2018 р.

The sentences with many, much, a lot of, lots of

What food is it?

Crossword " Favourite food"

Pairs "How to prepare food"

Pairs "Preparing of food"

четвер, 19 квітня 2018 р.

Puzzle "Great Britain"

Pairs "Whose children are they?"

Word grid "My pets"

Crossword "My family"

Wordsearch "My family"

Puzzle "My home"

неділя, 18 березня 2018 р.

Quiz "Prepositions"

Song "Number Song 1 - 20 for children"

Song "Counting 1 - 10"

Song "The Numbers Song"

Song "The ABC Song"

Song "What colours do you like?"

Pairs "School things"

Find pairs "Colours"

неділя, 25 лютого 2018 р.

Quiz "Animals"

Puzzle "Beauty"

Let's know verbs!



Puzzle "Food"

Puzzle "Funny animal"

Find pairs "A city and a town"

Find pairs "Family"

вівторок, 23 січня 2018 р.

Our planet is in danger

Puzzle "Our beautiful planet"

Puzzle "Save our planet"

Хмара слів "Space"

Хмара слів "Food"

Хмара слів "Dwelling"